Something for the politicians and pundits In Washington DC, the media, and elsewhere to think on:
“Out beyond IDEAS of right-doing and wrong-doing there is a field, will you meet me there?”
It is time to focus upon solutions rather than who is right and who is wrong. Right or wrong is merely a point of view from outside a circle. From the center of the circle, EVERYONE will have the same the same point of view and that point of view will be one of a great nation trouble! We need your help, not your filtered perceptions. The “field” could be called, harmony, cooperation, acceptance, peace, or compromise, but its essence will always be love. Will you meet US in that field?
Thank you ,we the people are waiting.
“Harmony is a pontentially powerful word, mainly because it comes with a price. That price is ego submisson, or in some circles: self sacrifice. or Ego submisson is a good thing when view others as being at least as human as we are.