HeartBeats June 15, 2013
The average human heart beats 100,000 times a day – make every beat count.
And the beat goes on…
Froggy went a-courtin’ and he did go, uh-huh… Oh-whoops!
The fascinating Story of the Frog & the Spider:
THE SCENE: Early one morning last week I found the frog pictured above sitting on the carpet in the living room near the door to the front yard. It is not uncommon for frogs and other creatures from the natural world outside to find their way into our house. When I discover them I simply catch them and put them back outside where they belong. I fully expected some resistance to my attempts to capture this fellow but he didn’t budge so much as a millimeter. After taking a closer look I realized that he appeared to be completely paralyzed. Upon even closer inspection, I discovered the legs you see protruding from his mouth. “What on earth happened to Mr. frog last night?” I asked myself.
THE ANALYSIS: Mr. Frog wanders into the house on a dark evening and stumbles onto a spider web (notice the gossamer on his back, legs and head). Upon having her web disturbed, Miss Spider came out to see what she might be having for dinner that evening. Mr. Frog looks at Miss Spider and he thinks, “My, that looks like a tasty morsel!” and lashes out with his sticky tongue to scoop her up. Upon seeing this frightening appendage darting out at her, Miss Spider exclaimed, “OMG, I must defend my home and life!” and so she stung the tongue of Mr. Frog the instant it made contact, which injected a fatal dose of paralyzing venom into the body of the attacking beast. Well, as we know, Mr. Frog’s tongue is very quick so he managed to pull the panicky Miss Spider into his hungry mouth and clamp tight just before the paralysis took effect. There would be no dinner for either Mr. Frog or Miss Spider on that dark evening.
THE REVELANCE: I believe that Mother Nature is one of our most profound teachers. Whenever I see something as out of the ordinary in nature as this scenario, I always spend some time contemplating the situation. I asked myself, “What could this be trying to tell me? Is there a message here for me?” After some thought and meditation on the subject, this question entered my consciousness: Rick, what might you be ingesting that is poisoning your body? What behaviors are you practicing that might be paralyzing to your body, mind or spirit? After even more thought, I did come up with a couple of answers to both of these questions that will be helpful for my personal and spiritual growth. I’m sharing all this with you because, considering that it has come into the realm of your awareness, it may have something for you as well. Hmmmm, do ya think?
Love and blessings,
Rick and Patricia
This really made me think, I asked myself the same questions and i did come up with a couple of answers. I know if I had not read this i never would have given it any thought at all. Very thought provoking. thank you so so much
Thank you for your comments Kathi