Evidence of the Garden of Eden
A one minute video on finding the abundance of the Garden of Eden. Enjoy…
A one minute video on finding the abundance of the Garden of Eden. Enjoy…
Imagine that the Universe is like a Cosmic Kitchen, ready and willing to take your orders and fulfill them. The Cosmic Menu is Infinite, so you can order anything you want. The key is knowing what you want and how to place your order effectively using affirmations and visualizations.
Abundance is for everyone, not just the limited few that life appears to have smiled on. We are surrounded by abundance. Nature is lavish, even wasteful in its abundance. Anyone caring to look will find an abundance of love, joy, money, and health is readily available to everyone willing to accept them. If there is […]
Learning to love and approve of yourself is a key which, will unlock your treasure chest of abundance, prosperity, and love. I always highly recommend that people love, love, love, love themselves, give themselves a hug, a pat on the back! You’re the best you there is in the whole world, there ain’t nobody else […]
Once, in a certain barnyard, at a certain time, there was born to a certain Mother Turkey, five little poults (baby turkeys). All the creatures of the barnyard came to the turkey pen to celebrate with Mother Turkey and to meet the new members of their community. “Oh!” they all exclaimed, “Look at them! Look […]
OK, answer this! What’s better than having a friend like you? That was a trick question! There’sĀ NOTHING better than having a friend like you! The above page full of love, laughter and thanksgiving was contributed by our delightful friend Chelle Thompson. Chelle is the editor of Inspiration Line, our favorite on-line inspirational newsletter, (aside from […]
LOVE ALL OVER THE PLANET! 10 Ways to say “I love you” . . . 1. English – I love you. 2. Native American, Hopi – Nu’ umi unangw’ta 3. Native American, Sioux – Techihhila 4. Burmese – Chit pa te 5. Chinese – Wuo ai nee (Mandarin) 6. Finnish – Je t’aime 7. French […]