You are in the process of becoming the masterpiece you were meant to be. In that process, remember to lovingly embrace ALL parts of yourself. Your masterpiece is already in your consciousness, and now the brushstrokes of your life are filling it in. Feel vibrant, alive, enthusiastic, loving, and joyous! Your joy is contagious. Support yourself in your magnificent blossoming and support others in theirs. Know that you are responsible for creating your life in the way you desire, and others are responsible for theirs. Your birthright is to enjoy harmonious relationships, unlimited prosperity, vibrant health, work that you love, and an abundance of happiness. Lovingly notice any limiting thoughts that are not in alignment with your birthright and gently weed them from your inner garden. Forgive the past, allow the present, and trust the future. Claim and express the magnificent being that you are! ~Patricia Crane, Ph.D. Book O’ the Week 10,000 Ways to This little book of love is the biggest collection of loving ideas ever gathered in one place. Express your true affection with secret love notes, perpetual bouquets, secluded picnics, outrageous gifts… Dear Hearts, Happy Valentines Day! Today is a day we turn our thoughts to LOVE, and that is a good thing indeed. Sometimes I think we are so busy and concerned about the people we love, or in finding somebody to love, that we forget about taking care of ourselves. It may be good on this Valentines Day to spend a moment appreciating and loving ourselves for who we are. Yes, it is ok to love yourself. In fact that is the best place to start, because the more you love and appreciate yourself, the more love will radiate from you to others. It’s really contagious. If you are really feeling brave pick up a mirror, look yourself in the eyes the same way you would look at someone else you love and read Patricia’s Magnificence Proclamation to yourself. We believe this to be true about you and you can too. Make it a loving week. Love and blessings, Rick and Patricia Heart Inspired Presentations It is our pleasure to provide this inspiration free of charge, please feel free to forward Heart Beats in its entirety with copyright intact to anyone you feel may get some value from it. Monday Morning Heart Beats is provided in the hopes that it may help you move gently into each new week. Our warmest positive thoughts are with you all the way. Love, laughter, peace, prosperity, Rick and Patricia Create and print a beautiful, suitable for framing, version of Patricia’s Magnificence Proclamation as a Valentines gift for a loved one. You can choose from three angelic backgrounds and customize the greeting and closing, eg. My Dearest Husband, and close with, Your Loving wife. Create one for mom, dad, wife, husband, or any name; its up to you and you can make as many as you want. All complimentary. Enjoy! |