Let Your Light Shine Monday,

ou are the light of the world. A city built on a hill can not be hidden. No one, after lighting a lamp, puts it under a bushel basket, but rather on a lamp stand and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works.
~ Book of Mathew
DVD O’ the Week

Everyday Grace DVD by: Marianne Williamson
In the Everyday Grace DVD, Williamson goes on to share five “magic wands” that can help us tap into a power that is in us, but not of us-that can do what we cannot do for ourselves. They are: click here and then click on “customer reviews” in the upper left then scroll down for the wands.
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Dear ,
So many of us seem to be afraid to let our light shine. By that I mean to bring ourselves fully into the world, shining as brightly as possible without reservations or apologies.
There are lots of reasons for this phenomenon. In my own case it was because of being raised in a dysfunctional environment where it was dangerous to speak out or even be noticed. My survival strategy was to become as invisible as I could make myself. Over the years I got very good at it.
It was about half way through my forties that I realized I was missing life somehow. I began to explore this “dark emptiness inside” and made a great discovery; I had always been a spectator of life and never a participant! At that moment I made a promise to myself to get off the bench and on to the playing field. I decided I would make a difference in the outcome of the game, not just watch it unfold.
The game of life can be fun to watch but it is a whole lot more fun and fulfilling to play, even if we get knocked around from time to time.
“There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you.” ~Marianne Williamson
Make it a fun week.
Love and blessings,
Rick and Patricia Namaste
Heart Inspired Presentations Inspiring people the world over to a higher level of thinking about who they are, what they’ve got, and how to more effectively and successfully present themselves to the world.
It is our pleasure to provide this inspiration free of charge, please feel free to forward Heart Beats in its entirety with copyright intact to anyone you feel may get some value from it.
Monday Morning Heart Beats is provided in the hopes that it may help you move gently into each new week. Our warmest positive thoughts are with you all the way.
Love, laughter, peace, prosperity,
Rick and Patricia
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