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Meditation and Guided Imagery eCourse


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A Conscious Approach to Weight Loss


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Mastering the art of creating powerful affirmations is one of the most important things you can do to manifest the life you want. It does take practice and repetition, but the rewards are worth it!

You’ll receive a lesson every other day with one of the principles, along with suggestions for writing your own affirmations.

Start today to create the life of YOUR dreams.

Register for Patricia's free 10 part e-course…Principles for Creating Powerful Affirmations





Free Stress Reduction email-course:

Consider that Andrew Weil, M.D., author of 8 Weeks to Optimum Health says, “Conscious breathing is the single most important thing you can do for your health.”And add to that the fact that it is very easy to do, it can be done any where and at any time, even while you are doing other things such as driving, walking, washing dishes etc., and that it is absolutely free, you’ve got to wonder, “Why everybody isn’t isn’t doing it?”The answer is, “They just don’t know anything about it, or how to do it.” Here’s your chance to learn…

In order to help you create a strong stress management program we have created a short and easy conscious breathing course, complete with instructions and four different techniques. We will guide you through three of these breathing techniques via streaming audio. Click the link below and start improving your health right now; it is FREE and very powerful.

CLICK HERE TO ACCESS the breathing course.

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