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Pearls of Wisdom For Living a Richer Life:

Inspirational stories of personal transformation, healing, and growth.

Pearls of Wisdom For Living a Richer Life is a 240 page anthology of authors who acquired a bit of grit along the road of life which became lodged deep within. At first, for many, it was was very painful. Over time they worked to polish, round, and cover it with layer upon layer of love, compassion, and forgiveness.

Much as an oyster works a grain of sand into a pearl, these authors have transformed their grit into valuable pearls of wisdom. They now bravely open themselves to share that beauty with you. We encourage you to read their stories and contact them.

You may order the book from any of the authors or from the publisher at this website.

For a look inside the book, including table of contents, introduction, sample story and biographical and contact information for the contributing authors, click here.

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