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"I just mentioned my participation in Pearls of Wisdom For Living a Richer Life to a staff member at our local news paper, The Calvert Independent in Prince Frederick, MD, and they immediately asked me for an interview and an excerpt from my story. WOW, thank you for making this wonderful opportunity available!"
~ Michele Quesenberry
Fredrick, MD

Here is Your Opportunity to Become a
Published Author!

Your life is a hero/heroine's journey, and you have stories to tell that will help open a passage for others.
Be sure to share your stories with as
many people as possible.

“It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.”
~Joseph Campbell

our life pathway is likely to have had its share of turning points, potholes, stepping stones, dark scary nights, and sunlit vistas awash with beauty. Along the way you have undoubtedly encountered wicked witches, wizards, frogs, princes, princesses, kings, queens and perhaps even a wicked stepmother or two, in one form or another. Each of these encounters has left you at least a little wiser for the experience, whether or not you perceived it at the time to be charming or harming.

Pearls of Wisdom For Living a Richer Life:
Inspirational stories of personal transformation,
healing, and growth.

Pearls of Wisdom For Living a Richer Life is a 240 page anthology of authors who acquired a bit of grit along the road of life which became lodged deep within. At first, for many, it was was very painful. Over time they worked to polish, round, and cover it with layer upon layer of love, compassion, and forgiveness. Much as an oyster works a grain of sand into a pearl, these authors have transformed their grit into valuable pearls of wisdom. They now bravely open themselves to share that beauty with you. We encourage you to read their stories and contact them. You may pre-order the book from any of the authors or from the publisher at this website. For a look inside the book, including table of contents, introduction, sample story and biographical and contact information for the contributing authors, click here.

Front Cover



Click cover for a larger image.

Standard back cover



Click cover for a larger image

Custom back cover
Through a special process and for for a small additional fee we can create your books featuring you on the back cover as is displayed on the left. Your special feature will include your picture, the name of your story, and your name. We are delighted to be able to offer this special feature because of the impact the book has on the authors friends, family, and associates - it gives the impression that this is your book! And it really is your book.

Imagine your photo in the upper right hand corner of your book.

Click below for a look inside
Pearls of Wisdom For Living a Richer Life

Pre-order your copy of Pearls of Wisdom For Richer Livinadd to cartg now!
Only $14.95 US

Now, here's where you enter the picture . . .

You may well be the next featured author in a new release:

If you are like most people the chances are very good that you too have some pearls of wisdom that you need to dislodge from within and share with others. There is a wonderful healing quality in people’s stories both for the storyteller and the receiver.

Pearls of Wisdom: A Second Strand

Pearls of Wisdom: A Second Strand, is already in the making. In fact the response has been so strong that we have a wait-list for a third release. We plan on publishing up to three more Pearls of Wisdom this year. Contact us now to reserve your chapter in an upcoming edition.

Here's how our system works:

We gather up to 50 co-authors for the book and collect the stories. We then have all the stories professionally edited. While that is going on we acquire an ISBN number and design the interior of the book as well as the cover. Then its off to the book manufacturing company with it. A "blue line" proof of the text and color proofs of the covers will be produced (we get color proofs of all the "custom covers" with author photos to insure quality). We check the color proofs and have the text professionally proof read to weed out typos etc. Back to the book manufacturer with it and we wait. Finally we receive the books and ship them off to you.

All you need to do is write your story - something inspiring, uplifting or humorous for people to enjoy. Perhaps a story that led you to a healing of body, mind or spirit, or something that touched you deeply enough that it compels you to share it with others. If the situation or event touched you, it is sure to reach out to others as well. Keep your story between 600 and 1200 words, and in English. Contact us now to assure your chapter in an upcoming Pearls of Wisdom.

We do require that you agree to purchase a minimum of 50 books at a reduced price of $6.00 each. Considering that the full retail price is $14.95 US, if you were to resale all your books at full price you would make a whopping profit of $447.50 US! Also, consider what a delightful gift item this would be for friends and family, you would actually be gifting them with a intimate part of yourself; a gift they will keep and refer to often.

As far as we know there is no faster, more convenient, or cost effective way to be able to share your hard earned wisdom with so many people so quickly and enjoy the prestige of being a published author at the same time.

Thank you, you will receive an e-mail with full information and instructions.


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